
At Arboreal Audio, we’re interested in the future of digital music software. We aim to make tools that are simple to use for experts or beginners, with interfaces designed for the 21st century. We like making tools that do more than one thing, that can be used in a variety of contexts, and that you’ll find yourself using over and over.

While the audio software industry is dominated by replicating the same dozen or so pieces of gear from half a century ago, we’re more interested in developing tools for the present day — and taking what’s good about old ideas and making something new.

Expect us to stay on the cutting edge of software and adapt to changes as the industry continues to transform. And expect that all of our products and releases get updated to maintain support with changing hardware and software requirements — and no, we’re not going to charge you for those updates.

If you like custom digital guitar amps you can’t find anywhere else, or versatile dynamics and saturation tools you can use on anything, you’ll like Arboreal Audio.